We'll support you in creating content and setting up effective campaigns on TikTok, ensuring that our actions are in line with your marketing objectives
Generation Z, often referred to as "Gen Z" or "Zoomers", encompasses a demographic group born between 1997 and 2012. Today, aged between 15 and 24, they represent not only 12% of the French population, but also 30% of the global population. As they grow up and take their place in society, Generation Z is asserting itself as a leading economic and cultural entity.
What sets this generation apart is their total immersion in the digital revolution from birth. Indeed, they have never known a world without the Internet, social networks or smartphones. As a result, their approach to the digital world is radically different, influencing everything from the way they consume information to their purchasing behavior.
But beyond technology, Gen Z is also deeply rooted in values of inclusion, sustainability and entrepreneurship. They value brands that not only speak their language, but also address their concerns: ecology, advocacy and individual aspirations.
Faced with this generation of sophisticated, demanding consumers, brands need to rethink their approaches. Traditional marketing methods have little resonance with them. They seekauthenticity, often preferring recommendations from other consumers to well-orchestrated advertising.
What's more, as the main initiators of today's cultural trends, understanding and embracing Gen Z codes is imperative for any brand wishing to address them effectively. However, this total online immersion comes with its own set of challenges, particularly when it comes to mental well-being, loneliness and cyberbullying.
To help you better understand and communicate with Gen Z, we invite you to continue reading this detailed article.
This young generation spends a significant proportion of its time on social media, adopting new platforms while shaping their trends. The figures speak for themselves: a recent study reveals that YouTube dominates the list of apps most frequented by Gen Z, with an impressive 84% visit rate. TikTok is not far behind at 61%, closely followed by Snapchat (58%) and Instagram (56%).
While Facebook and Twitter remain key players, reaching a third of this age group, other platforms such as Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn and Twitch also gravitate towards their digital universe.
Each platform enjoys a unique aura in the eyes of Gen Z :
However, one thing is certain: Generation Z isn't afraid to switch platforms if another better suits their needs . That's why the web giants must constantly innovate. For example, in response to the success of TikTok and its short videos, YouTube launched "Shorts". And TikTok itself is evolving to meet a demand for more authentic content, notably with the emergence of applications like BeReal, whose popularity has exploded in just one year.
For those who want to dive deeper into the TikTok dynamic and find out how to get the attention of this younger generation, we highly recommend our guide: "How to get the attention of Generation Z on TikTok".
When it comes to gauging Gen Z's online presence, one number stands out: time.
A survey by Morning Consult reveals that almost 38% of 15-24 year-olds spend more than four hours a day on social platforms . To put that in perspective, only 18% of adults allocate that much time to these platforms - that's twice as much as most adults!
This online immersion is more than just entertainment. In fact, Gen Z exchanges more often online than they do face-to-face with their friends. It's their playground. So, for them, chatting, sharing or simply exploring online is as natural as having a coffee with friends. But why this strong preference for the digital world? Part of the answer lies in their history. Gen Z, intrinsically connected from birth, finds the Internet a fertile ground forself-affirmation, personal expression and bonding .
What's more, we mustn't overlook the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on this age group. While many of them were in school or university, the confinement disrupted their routine and reinforced their use of online platforms. Faced with these upheavals, social networks have become for 61% of these users a preferred channel to keep in touch with family and friends. This is more important to them than entertainment (51%) or even news (47%).
Let's demystify a few preconceived notions about Gen Z and social networks. Marketers who haven't grasped their essence are missing the point. Here are a few insights:
1. Content consumption patterns: Gen Z is in the moment. They live at a frenetic pace, so if you don't grab their attention in the first three seconds, they'll move on. Imagine her scrolling through her screen quickly, stopping only at what really intrigues her.
2. Preferred content types: This generation is looking for authenticity. They want real-time live streams, honest vlogs and fun challenges. But this generation is also curious and seeks information. If you can offer her tutorials, educational or inspirational content, she'll be all ears. And if she's considering a purchase? She'll seek the advice of her peers first.
3. Interaction: Gen Z isn't just a spectator, it's an actor. They comment, share, create and engage. They don't use social networks just to consume, but to express their creativity, convictions and passions.
4. Social networks as platforms for self-expression and activism: If you thought Gen Z was all about selfies, think again. They're on the front line of many causes, whether it's ecology, feminism or other movements. And that's not all: she's ready to engage in constructive conversations with those who think differently.
Gen Z is the consumer generation of tomorrow, and their purchasing power is booming. But to align with their expectations, brands need to understand and adopt certain key marketing strategies.
1. Value real values: This generation wants authenticity. It's simple: be real, be honest. Brands like Mattel's Barbie , which is revolutionizing the norm by celebrating diversity and inclusion, understand this. Gen Z also wants diversity, and they want us to address issues close to their hearts, such as the climate crisis.
2. Brand ambassadors have the power: Gen Z identifies with content creators and influencers. Collaborating with them is a way of showing that you really understand this audience. These collaborations create a bond between the brand and this generation.
3. Content is king: Gen Z has a short attention span and is used to dynamic content. Think short, interactive and engaging. Challenges, live streams and vlogs are all formats they eagerly consume.
4. Focus on ethics: Gen Z is very aware of the issues surrounding mental health, and expects brands to take a responsible approach. Transparent, unadulterated communication that is aware of current issues is essential. Misleading advertising or hidden product placement will not be tolerated!
In conclusion, Generation Z is at the heart of digital evolution, changing the way content is consumed and brands perceived. From their choice of social platforms, to the time they spend on them, to their consumption patterns, they defend strong values such asauthenticity, diversity andcommitment. For companies, understanding this generation means ensuring relevant communication and lasting commitment. If you're looking for an agency that can help you develop large-scale campaigns to reach this young generation, contact us.