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YouTube Ads: How to launch YouTube ads? [Guide 2024]

Simon Lebrun
November 2, 2023
Last modified on
November 2, 2023
YouTube Ads how to launch YouTube ads

As a daily user, you're bound to have experienced YouTube video ads, the subtle insertions that punctuate your viewing session. Whether captivating pre-roll videos or discreet side banners, they integrate with such finesse that they seem almost inseparable from the platform. For discerning advertisers, it's this advertising experience that makes YouTube an unrivalled playground.

When you take on the role of advertiser, YouTube becomes a vast chessboard of opportunities. Questions abound: which advertising formats can you exploit? How can each option resonate with your target audience? And what steps should you take to impact YouTube audiences with your campaigns?

This is where YouTube ads become an essential vector for boosting brand awareness, increase engagement and drive qualified traffic to your proposals. Seize the opportunity to leverage the marketing power of one of the world's most visited platforms to take your brand to new heights.

However, realizing these ambitions requires a thorough understanding of the mechanics of YouTube Ads and the strategies for maximizing the effectiveness of your video ads. This comprehensive guide will show you how to use Google Ads to create, distribute, optimize and track your YouTube advertising campaigns.

The different types of YouTube ads

Master the 6 YouTube ad formats to effectively target and engage your audience. Opt for a strategy tailored to your objectives and maximize your impact on this essential social network.

1. Trueview Discovery (formerly InDisplay Announcement) :

Displayed alongside the video being viewed, these YouTube ad formats capture the essence of subtlety. Also appearing on Google's Display Network, they engage the viewer without intrusion, their billing triggering only when a user is captivated enough to click and view.

Strategic use: These ads shine by their ability to promote your content in spaces where users are already looking for relevant topics, making their interaction natural and organic.

2. InStream ads that cannot be deactivated :

Short and to the point, these video ads are placed at the start or during the video, guaranteed to capture attention thanks to their non-skippable nature.

Strategic use: Ideal for making a fast, strong impression, they are the ideal vector for awareness campaigns where brevity is king.

3. InStream ads can be disabled :

These longer ad formats offer a more developed story about your company, provided you can win the audience over in the crucial first five seconds.

Strategic use: Perfect for conversion or consideration initiatives, they open the door to interaction for those looking to deepen their relationship with the brand.

4. In-Feed video ads :

Occupying a prime position at the top of YouTube searches or next to related videos, In-Feed ads are right on target, reaching an audience already inclined towards your offer.

Strategic use: Their premium location makes them a weapon of choice for precise targeting in a consideration campaign.

5. Bumper ads :

These ephemeral yet impactful YouTube video ads, lasting up to 6 seconds, are the sprinters of YouTube advertising space.

Strategic use: Designed for high-profile campaigns, they stand out for their immediacy and ability to make a rapid impression.

6. OutStream ads :

Viewable mainly on mobile, these ad formats start silently, capturing attention with their visual aspect before inviting the user to activate the sound.

Strategic use: Their format is optimized to engage the mobile user and is particularly effective in stimulating interest and conversion.

Bonus - Masthead banners :

Dominating the YouTube home screen, these ad formats are the prestigious showcase for large-scale campaigns, available exclusively via Google's advertising teams.

Strategic use: Their privileged location makes them ideal for massive campaigns, where impact and return on investment must match the highest ambitions.

Step-by-step guide to launching YouTube ads

Follow these essential steps to transform your video content into powerful advertising campaigns on the platform, and monitor their performance for optimum ROI.

youtube ad
  1. Upload your video to YouTube: Access your YouTube channel to upload the video file you wish to promote.
  2. Set up your Google Ads account: If you haven't already done so, sign up for Google Ads with a Google Workspace email address. This will take you to your dashboard, where you can start your first YouTube advertising campaign.
  3. Create a new campaign: Click on "+ New campaign" in your Google Ads dashboard.
  4. Select objective and ad type: Choose a marketing objective (such as brand awareness or conversion) and a suitable ad format.
  5. Refine your YouTube Ads strategy: Specify your campaign sub-type (e.g. video or outstream) and define the strategy to achieve your objectives.
  6. Name your campaign: Give your campaign a name and, for the time being, leave the default bidding strategy. 
  7. Define a budget and schedule : Set a daily or total budget and define the duration of your advertising campaign.
  8. Choose delivery parameters : Choose how and where to deliver your ad, including networks, locations and languages.
  9. Add additional videos : Optionally insert up to five related videos to appear below your main ad.
  10. Configure advanced settings: Adjust options for operating system, device and other targeting.
  11. Start bidding: Define your bids, indicating the maximum price you are willing to pay per view.
  12. Insert advertising content: Add your video link and choose your ad format, such as InStream or Discovery.
  13. Link your Google Ads account: Link your Google Ads account to your YouTube channel.

Once you've launched your YouTube advertising campaign, be sure to monitor your Google Ads account on a regular basis to control spending and target audience effectiveness. Keep a close eye on key metrics such as views, impressions, audience targeting, budget and conversion rates to continually refine your strategy.

How much do YouTube ads cost?

Understanding the YouTube ad cost model is crucial to effectively managing your marketing budget and maximizing ROI. Rates may vary, but with the right strategy, every penny invested can translate into significant visibility.

  1. Understanding Cost Per View (CPV): YouTube mainly uses CPV, where you pay for each view or interaction with your ad. The average cost generally ranges from 0.05 to 0.10 euros per view.
  2. Impact of ad format on cost: YouTube offers different ad formats, such as TrueView, Non-Skippable InStream, Bumper Ads, and Display Ads. Each has a distinct cost and user interaction mode, which influence the CPV.
  3. Targeting and cost: Cost is also influenced by the precision and specificity of targeting. Targeting a very specific audience or particular geographic locations can increase costs, but also improve the relevance and effectiveness of the ad.
  4. Optimize for duration: The longer your ad, the greater the engagement time with your audience. However, longer ads don't always guarantee better engagement and can increase costs if not optimized.
  5. A/B Testing: Test different formats and targeting strategies to see what works best for your audience. This will enable you to reallocate your budget effectively and reduce unnecessary costs.
  6. Monitoring performance indicators: Metrics such as view rates, click-through rates and conversions are essential for evaluating the performance of your ads and adjusting your spend strategy.
  7. Use automatic bidding: Let Google adjust your bids to achieve the best possible cost-effectiveness according to your budget and campaign objectives.
  8. Primetime analysis: Running your ads during primetime may cost more, but it can also increase visibility and engagement.
  9. Cost reduction through optimization: Regular performance-based optimization of your ads can help you reduce unnecessary costs and invest where you get the best results.
  10. Consider direct media buying: For larger campaigns, direct buying can sometimes be more expensive, but offers premium placements and guaranteed visibility.

In conclusion, the cost of your YouTube ads will depend on many factors, including ad type, targeting and campaign duration. Careful monitoring and ongoing optimization are key to ensuring that every euro spent contributes to achieving your marketing objectives on the platform.

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