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Analytics TikTok - Practical guide

Simon Lebrun
November 28, 2022
Last modified on
May 17, 2023
tiktok analytics measure TikTok performance

TikTok analytical data can help you improve your performance considerably....If you use it correctly.

With so much social interaction and engagement on the platform's video content, there are obviously many statistics to analyze: number of followers, likes, comments, shares.

But the TikTok analytics tool goes further: it allows you to measure weekly and monthly growth, total play time of each video, average viewing time, and much more.

TikTok analytics give you access to all the statistics of your account, it is a very powerful tool for a brand on TikTok.

Every brand account on the app has the potential to reach a large audience, which is why it's essential to know how to analyze this data. With daily monitoring, you'll be able to understand what works best for your profile and stand out among your competitors.

If you are just starting out on TikTok as a brand, you should know that the competition is growing aggressively. Therefore, it is essential for your business to maintain credibility and have a thorough overview of its performance.

So let's dive into this detailed guide to TikTok Analytics.

How to access TikTok analysis?

TikTok analytics data are only available for "creator" or "company" Pro accounts (which you can change at any time in your TikTok account settings).

On mobile :

  1. Access your profile.
  2. Click on the three small lines at the top right of your account.
  3. Open the "tools for creators" or "tools for companies" tab
  4. From there, select "analytical data".

On computer:

  1. Connect to TikTok
  2. Hover over your profile picture in the upper right corner.
  3. Click on "Display analytical data".
TikTok account show analytics data
Click on your profile to bring up the menu.

All about TikTok analytics

TikTok simplifies the analysis of your data by dividing it into 4 categories:

  • Overview, 
  • Contents, 
  • Subscribers 
  • and LIVE.

Overview Analysis

See a summary of your global TikTok account metrics.

By default, TikTok gives you an overview of your performance for the past week (last 7 days). However, you can select different durations: 7 days, 28 days, 60 days or choose a custom date range.

However, you can never go back more than 2 months in the past. We advise you to check your statistics regularly, and to take screenshots in order to have an optimal follow-up over the year.

The overview gives you access to user engagement on your TikTok videos:

Analytics TikTok overview

For each video, TikTok tells you whether this data is increasing or decreasing (by giving a percentage increase or decrease).

You can further analyze your engagement by clicking on the small arrow. You will then have access to graphs showing the fluctuations of your performance over time.

The overview also allows you to see exactly how many subscribers you have and how many you have gained or lost during the selected period.

Content analysis

Explore the Content tab to measure video performance.

This tab gives you access to the videos published over the last 7 days, displaying the number of views per video as well as the most trending content in your account.

Analytics TikTok content and video publications

When you click on one of your videos, you'll be able to see its detailed performance as well as the data of the audience that watched it. This information is very important to optimize your formats.

TikTok performance video analysis

The trending videos all have one thing in common: the majority of views come from the "For You" feed. In "Traffic Sources", you can see for each of your videos in which section of TikTok your video was viewed: For You, Subscriptions or Personal Profile.

Videos that perform well usually have 85% of their traffic coming from the Pour Toi feed.

This means that the video has received enough engagement to be redistributed to an audience that doesn't know you.

Subscriber analysis

Visit the Subscribers tab to learn more about your audience.

Beyond your growth or the subscriptions you have lost, the "Subscribers" tab provides you with valuable information about your community. You'll see a breakdown of your followers by gender and from which parts of the world they watch you. You can also see when your followers are most active on the app.

Analytics TikTok subscribers

Live analysis

Discover the statistics of your lives on TikTok.

This tab gathers all relevant TikTok analytics on the live videos you hosted in the last week or month (7 or 28 days). These analytics include the number of subscribers, the amount of time you've spent live and the amount of money you' ve earned through virtual gifts (including "diamonds").

Why analyze this data on TikTok?

This analysis tool is free and can be very useful to help you grow your community and boost your engagement on the platform!

With this accurate data, you'll also improve your content strategy. Your TikTok analytics will allow you to identify which videos didn't work and which ones did.

And beyond the performance of your content, this information allows you to make sure you are communicating to the right target. The information about your subscribers is indeed crucial, because if your account performs well but does not reach your target, it is a waste of time.

You can therefore get to know your audience better and understand what has brought them together. If necessary, you can adjust your strategy and finally reach the audience you want.  

TikTok analytics will also help you persevere with the formats that have worked best to ensure sustainable growth on the platform. 

Optimize your videos with TikTok Analytics

To sum up, you don't need to spend your days analyzing every single one of your TikTok data .

But remember to do it regularly and push your analysis to better understand the engagement generated by your content and improve your next videos. 

This is the key to Test and Learn, which consists of testing different content, analyzing their performance thanks to the data transmitted by TikTok, then adjusting your organic content strategy accordingly .

No doubt, if you adapt your video content regularly based on the findings from your TikTok analytics, the growth will follow! 🚀

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