We'll support you in creating content and setting up effective campaigns on TikTok, ensuring that our actions are in line with your marketing objectives
With its 3 billion downloads worldwide reached in July 2021, it becomes difficult to miss TikTok.
For comparison, TikTok is the first app (outside the Facebook group) to reach that number of downloads. And none of the other four applications of the Meta group (WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook and Instagram) has reached this figure so quickly. In France alone, the network has more than 22 million monthly active users . And worldwide, there are no less than one billion monthly active visitors who scroll through the application.
Yet, even today, many brands are not convinced of the value of their presence on the platform . Here are 5 reasons that should make you change your mind if you are in this category too.
Whatever you think about it and despite the prejudices that still stick to the application, there is a good chance that your target will use TikTok. And for good reason, the platform has surpassed 1.5 billion monthly active users in 2022.
According to TikTok data, the social network is 40% male and 60% female. In 2022, 42% of TikTok's daily visitors were in the 18-24 age group, 31% in the 25-34 age group and 14% in the over 35 age group.
Are you surprised by these TikTok statistics ? And yet there is nothing like it to prove that your customers and prospects are already present on the application.
And our customers will not tell you otherwise.
Levi's targeted the 15-24 age group to promote its Levi's x Pokémon collection. The 5 activated content creators were asked to shoot a creative video for the campaign. The result? Over 4 million views generated and 15,000 visitors on the site with only 5 videos, in 5 days!
On a completely different note, we helped Pokawa restaurants launch on TikTok and build a community from scratch. The result? More than 100,000 subscribers in just 1 month and more than 5 million views on the videos. Pokawa is now the number one restaurant account on TikTok ahead of McDonald's France!
After exploding in 2020, TikTok has just surpassed Youtube in the number of hours viewed by users.
On average, a user spends 95 min per day on TikTok. 😳
By following a few rules and best practices, you can create an engaging community and even break through on TikTok!
If all this seems complicated, you can call on Sleeq: we will be able to accompany you and guide you according to your needs. But above all, don't do as many companies do and don't launch yourself on TikTok without taking the time to think. This way you will only obtain unsatisfactory results and frustration.
You probably get that impression from browsing the app that content creators produce their videos with two clicks.
This is not the case.
You need to spend time on your editorial strategy .
Each video must be designed to attract and retain attention. To do this, your content must be educational, entertaining or moving. Unlike other social networks, TikTok is not yet saturated. It is therefore possible to reach tens of thousands of views without spending a cent.
Which brings us to the third reason why your brand should be on TikTok.
Your competitors are not yet on TikTok. And if they are, there is plenty of room to catch up and do better than them. 💪
Indeed, if it is possible today to create a community of tens of thousands of subscribers on TikTok in a few weeks, it will be much more complicated in 1 or 2 years.
Like Youtube or Instagram, once the network has established itself, the competition to stand out will be fierce. However, unlike other social networks, the distribution of TikTok content does not depend on who you follow but on the algorithm. It is this one that defines which content is relevant for each user, according to the videos they watch. This is what makes the application so addictive, as the algorithm perfectly identifies the user's tastes and preferences.
Depending on your objectives and needs, being on TikTok can allow you to reactivate your audience, generate excitement around your products, redefine your positioning or branding, increase your sales... In any case, creating content on TikTok allows a brand to create a strong proximity with its community.
More than Instagram, which values authenticity less, and even more than YouTube, which is much less spontaneous. But for your brand to be visible on this network, it is essential to create authentic and creative content that will contribute to the TikTok experience.
In the case of a TikTok B2B communication, you can consider showing the inner life of your company by putting the employees in front of the camera, for example.
It's impossible to succeed on the platform with corporate videos seen and reviewed. To humanize your brand, there's nothing like showing your products in action or through challenges and presenting behind-the-scenes to give users the feeling of being privileged.
The engagement rates of TikTok video creators are much higher than for any other social network. For example, Digimind reveals in a study that the engagement rate of French influencers on TikTok is 20% higher than the global average engagement rate.
In practical terms, this means that content is more widely distributed to your community and that your community is more active than on other social networks. By extension, you will have a better chance of getting your brand known and selling your products.
71% of users say they use TikTok to cheer themselves up and be in a good mood. This positive attitude makes them more receptive to promotional messages from brands. Moreover, 61% of users believe that advertisements on TikTok are more authentic, funny and trustworthy than on other social networks.
Today, integrating TikTok into its strategy is to be part of the future.
TikTok is an innovative platform with many features in development. In particular, live shopping will revolutionize the brand-customer relationship and advertising campaigns will perform better than on any other channel.
Don't miss the boat and launch yourself on TikTok with a specialized agency!